Children's version of timetable

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Duffy Book Song!

We are a Duffy School. Feel free to practise this song at home!

Say "Hello" to our new friend the caterpillar! 

Today at morning tea time, Lincoln found a caterpillar on the ground. We wanted to keep it safe, so we brought it into Room 15. We gave the caterpillar some leaves to eat. Then the children decided to find a safe new place for it to live. We hunted around the school and found a safe place in the gardens. We then did some awesome Writing about our new friend that we saved :):)

Thursday, March 21, 2019


On Tuesday we made Oobleck! It was so much fun stirring, playing and squishing it between our fingers. We then wrote about what it looked like and felt like. Check out our pictures! 

T is for TIGER!!

Today in Phonics, our letter was T. We now know it makes the sound t....t....t.
We made TIGER masks and played tiger games. Check us out!