Children's version of timetable

Saturday, September 26, 2020

End of Term 4

 We have had an awesome end to Term 4, with the children  visiting the Glow Show, Show and Tell/Talent Show, tidying our big classroom, and lots of other things! 

Have an awesome break, I hope the sunshine holds out and we all get to spend lots of time outside. 

We will see you next Term!

Monday, September 21, 2020

Maori Language Week

 Kia Ora everyone,

Last week was Maori language week and we loved learning lots of new words and songs in the Maori language. On Monday we created 'Kia Ora posters' (hung outside our classroom for the school to see!) and we also made a big mess! The Room 16 children were very responsible and used the cloths, sweeping brush, and cleaning skills. 

Kai Pai akomanga!

Friday, September 11, 2020

Duffy Book Awards

 Happy Friday everyone!

Today the children were presented with their special Duffy books in the classroom. We watched a video by Whaitiri Poutawa who is a Kapa Haka teacher who also teaches Te Reo and Ma Rakau. We had an awesome time learning about his favourite story and why he loves reading so much.

Here is a picture from when we had been given our books! We are so excited for this opportunity to take the books home and have learnt lots about looking after books and how important they are.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Wonderful Writing Week 8

 Have a look at some of the awesome pieces of writing below produced by Room 16. We have been looking at the game 'granny/ Kuia' went to market and creating our own scenarios where the children and a friend have been to the shop. 

Madden has been working so hard to improve his writing and his confidence is soaring too. Well done Madden!

Te Aupouri is working very hard to practice her handwriting and her writing as well as remembering the date! Phew, that's a lot of things - Good job Te Aupouri!

Luke has been experimenting with writing his own sentences which are a little different to our big class sentence. In this story he and his friend go to the Animal Land! What an amazing adventure.

Well done everyone!

School Expectations - Our Positive behaviours in school!

 This week we have been looking at our School Expectations again and how we can use our positive behaviours. 

We are working together to understand our expectations and doing an awesome job! Have a read of our book on expectations below  on this link 

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Term 3 Week 7

 Kia Ora everyone!

Have a look at our superstar certificate holders for this week; Luke, Aarav, and Heidi. Anaya also won the Duffy award but was excitedly collecting her book whilst we snapped our picture!

We also celebrated Pajama/ slippers day on Friday which helped to raise money towards the senior camp trip. There was some very funky pajamas going on!

Roundup of the week (pictures to follow):

This week we have been reading the story: Weta went walking. 
We have based our Writing around it and the children have produced some awesome stories!

In Maths we have been finishing our topic on addition, ready to move onto subtraction. Many of the children are starting to see the number bonds to 5 and 10 which is really helpful for them in their quick addition skills. Next week we will specifically be looking at the '1 more' and '1 less' ideas.

In Handwriting the children have settled into the routine of filling in one page of their handwriting books first thing on a morning, and practicing a letter in their 'how to write' books each afternoon.

In Topic we are continuing to create our product for the upcoming craft market. We are keeping it a little bit secret so that we can finalise it but next week we will be beginning full time creation of our product so you will start to see lots of picture appearing.

Finally, in Te Reo we have made a very positive start in learning a little bit of Maori and a little bit of New Zealand Sign Language. We talked about how important languages are to us and how useful it is to know other languages. Room 16 have been learning to say hello/good morning to the register in different ways as well so thank you to all the adults who have encouraged this too- I am not surprised anymore when the children are teaching me a different way to say hello! 

Thank you all the Room 16 adults for your support in the transition back to school. 

Miss Rayner