Children's version of timetable

Friday, October 30, 2020

Ch is for chips

 Kia ora everyone,

Over the past few weeks we have began looking at some blends (blends are sounds that are formed with two or three letters like sh, th, oo). This week our blend has been 'ch' so we decided to make some hot chips!

The children have made the chips from start to finish today. I had my helpers on the morning peeling potatoes...

Then we spent some time writing instructions about how we make chips.
Step 1 - peel the potato.
Step 2 - cut the potato.
Step 3 - put the potato in the oven.

Whilst we were writing, a group came up at a time to help with the cutting potatoes into strips to make our chips.

Finally (after the children were very patient whilst Miss Lisa kindly prepped the oven and helped us cook our chips) the chips were ready.

We made ch ch chips and did and awesome job in our learning and our cooking skills. 

Well done Room 16!

Friday, October 23, 2020

Poetry competition

 We had our practice and our real in class poetry competition in Room 16 this week! Wow - what amazing poets we have.

On Wednesday we had our practice in class and worked hard at being respectful audience members. One person at a time came to the front to try and read their poems to everyone.

Then on Thursday, Room 16 went into the hall with Mrs Corbett for their poetry competition. Miss Lisa and Miss Rayner were so excited to watch everyone whilst they sat in the audience!
Everyone did an amazing job - Many of the children challenged themselves to be able to recite or read their poem, they should all be very proud of themselves!

                                      Awesome job guys!

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Online Craft Market- Creating our work

 Kia Ora everyone, 

I hope everyone is having an awesome holidays so far and spending time in the beautiful sunshine when we are lucky enough to have it!

With the deadline for The Online Craft Market Orders drawing near I wanted to show you all the hard work that Room 16 put into making their 2021 calendars. The final versions of the children's pictures actually ended up being the fifth prototype of calendar we made- we spent so much time evaluating it and learning about portraits!

Firstly, we split the class into three teams. Team Laminators (who worked with Miss Rayner), Team Magnets (who worked with Mrs Penny or Mrs Lisa) and Team Labels (who worked independently).

Their first task was to sit in their groups and figure out how they were going to efficiently manage their task. I was particularly impressed with the Magnet Team who decided what length of magnet they were going to be cutting to fit onto the calendar by themselves.

Here are some pictures of the children working on their project. They have all worked so hard and I'm very proud of them for all the effort they have put in!

This project was part of our unit on financial literacy to help the children understand different ways of looking at money. It was also partly a fundraiser for the older children to go to camp and partly a way of brightening up our classroom walls for a bit with all the crazy ideas we had! 

If you haven't bought your calendar yet for yourself or as a gift, and you would like to, hop on over to KINDO and make an account. It's just like doing your normal shopping online (and your child might like to help you press the buttons too!). Here is the link:  

The cost of each calendar is $4. The children decided on this too (the original price they came up with was a million dollars so you've really got yourself a bargain with $4!).

Team Magnets working with Mrs Penny and practicing their taking it in turn skills.

Aquarius always likes to take her artwork seriously and tries her best!
All of Team Label working hard to keep their colourings as in the lines as the can.
Boston and Waris carefully putting the calendar into the laminator.

Lots of the children wanted a turn on the laminator. She talked about how to keep ourselves safe and taking turns.