Children's version of timetable

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Monday 23rd August Online Distance Learning Link

 Room 16 Meet Online Learning

Monday, August 23 · 10:00 – 10:30am

Video call link:

Hi all, this is the link to our meet on Monday. No meet Friday (20th) but let's take some time to get used to Dojo and this sudden Lockdown. 

I will be available Friday 9am - 4pm for any questions you might have.


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Wednesday Challenges

Hi all,

Please find below the challenges for Wednesday to complete during our Lockdown time. The pictures can be added to your child's Class Dojo platform (if you need a hand with this let me know!).

Phonics: Find things around the house beginning with the sound ‘g’. Take a picture and put it on your portfolio.

Maths; Start at 10 or 20. See if you can write the numbers going backwards (10,9,8,7 ….)  Take a picture and put it on your portfolio.

Skills: Work with an adult to learn how to tie a shoe lace. Take a video/picture and put it on your portfolio.

Topic: Draw a picture of the frog life cycle. Take a picture and put it on your portfolio

EXTRA CHALLENGE: Can you draw a picture of an animal from New Zealand?

Have a great day everyone.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Tuesday Online Meet Code

 Kia ora,

Please find below the online code which will take you to the Google Meet which will be happening at 10am every school day during Level 3.

We hope to see you there! 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Wednesday meeting code

 Hi all,

Here is the link for the Wednesday meeting starting at 10AM for those who can make it. We hope to see you there! 


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Class Dojo

 Hi all,

thanks for being so awesome and helpful in our transition to Class Dojo.

Please find the link below to access our class feed. You will be able to create an account and see our class stories.

The best part of Class Dojo is that it gives the children ownership over their own learning. We encourage you to look at adding things to the children's portfolio. It's a great resource for them to look back on over the year.


Miss Rayner

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Welcome back everyone!

 Kia ora!

Welcome to the Room 16 blog. I am excited and looking forward to the new year ahead. Here is a small post to introduce myself.

My name is Miss Saskia Rayner and I'm the room 16 teacher. 

I moved to beautiful New Zealand at the beginning of 2020 and started working at Papakura Central School. 

My favourite things are: trying to bake (although I normally end up burning the baking!), reading and attempting to learn to play Ukulele. 

I am so excited to start our school year of 2021 and I'm looking forward to meeting you all very soon!