Children's version of timetable

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Learn Create Share: Week 7 + 8

Hello everyone!
Last week we started doing our first Learn Create Share project. This means we Learn about a topic, then we create something about this topic, then we share it via our blog (or we send them home). Check out the power point below.

Over this two weeks we have been learning about Kupe and Te Wheke! We watched and listened to the story about how Kupe battled Te Wheke after Te Wheke was stealing fish from the villagers. We made our own copies of Kupe and Te Wheke to put on our display. We have also been working on making our own Te Wheke! Today we have painted them and we need to add their legs so we will soon see pictures of them shared on the blog. They look pretty awesome so far!

Thanks everyone,
Miss Rayner

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