Children's version of timetable

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Reward time: Respect (Manakitanga)

At PCS we look at the 4 key PB4L features. As we settle back into school we have been focusing on the feature of being respectful. The children identified this as actions such as taking turns, listening to each other, not shouting out, and being careful around their friends.

The reward we decided upon was to have a class picnic! We knew we had to be super careful of germs, especially right now, so we had separate cups and plates. We remembered to wash our hands and our teachers and teaching aides helped give us food using gloves.

We were also lucky enough to share our jump jam time with RM15 and their teacher Mrs Andrews. Jump jam is important in getting our bodies moving. Even if we find it tricky we always try our best! Have a look at our pictures of us dancing and enjoying our well earned picnic!
Enjoy the long weekend everyone.
Love Miss Rayner

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