Children's version of timetable

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Healthy habits in RM16

We're so excited to see the majority of our children back in school this week. It's difficult trying to readjust back into school life for many of us but one thing  RM16 have really excelled at so far this week is their hygiene practices. We have had lots of discussions on how germs move, and how important it is to always wash our hands when we enter the classroom.

Now we know:
We wash our hands when we walk into the room.
We wash our hands when we walk out of the room.
We wash our hands before eating food.
We wash our hands if we forget and accidentally give our friends a high five or hug.
We cough into our elbows.
We sneeze into our elbows.
We give our friends space.
We don't touch our eyes/mouths/nose (not even to pick it!).
We know to give our friends space to keep them safe.

But sometimes we do forget, and that's okay! But with the help of our adults at home and our friends and teachers in school we are sure to keep up the good work.

 More updates to come soon,
Lots of love, Miss Rayner

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