Children's version of timetable

Friday, August 28, 2020

Successful learners Week 2 of Online Distance Learning

 Everyone has done such an awesome job again this week that I found it so tricky to work out who to give our awards to... lucky for me it means I already have my eye on lots of children for a certificate next week so don't worry if you haven't had a certificate yet! 

Here are two lovely girls who have been going above and beyond with their work this week. 

Waris has been joining in all the google meets as well as the majority of our maths meets. She has also been doing lots of extra work at home with her mum and thinking hard when it comes to her writing.

Our second person is Aquarius! Aqua has been doing such a fab job this week using our home learning packs and coming up with fantastic and creative ideas. She has also been taking part in our science experiments online and trying them out at home.  Well done!

Well done Room 16 for your learning over lockdown. I am very proud of every one of you (and your adults!) for trying your best even though things are a bit different! I will see you on Monday by 8:55 in the classroom. Remember you get to walk through the big gates all by yourself now but watch out for Mrs Futcher who will be there to welcome you in. Miss Rayner will be in the classroom ready and waiting.

Kia Kaha everyone.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Week 2 learning

 I have been so impressed with all of the learning Room 16 has been doing this week, you've been sending me so many pictures I haven't had time to collect them altogether!

Here are just some of the amazing things Room 16 children have been up to this week:

Awesome job developing your understanding of the book 'Oh, no!' Rara. You've really challenged yourself to read it and I'm very proud of you!

Waris has been up to a multitude of things including building her own fort/castle and practicing her 'oo' sounds. She has been joining in with lots of meets as well. Well done lovely!

Robert has been doing lots and lots of work over our online learning. He is so excited to try our science experiments that he sometimes even does them in our online meets! Here is some of Robert's maths work from our maths afternoon session on Tuesday Robert (alongside Waris) helped me to work out how much $4 + $4 would be and what we could buy with it!

Here is Boston's science experiment! He is doing our experiment from when we added food coloring, oil, and water together. It looks like it was a big success, awesome job Boston!

Here is Aqua doing her science experiment at home too. It turned out beautifully and Aquarius looks like she was concentrating very hard. Brilliant job!

I know a lot of you are working really hard at home both online and on home learning packs. Thank you all the adults and lovely children for putting in such a lot of effort and pulling together to make our ODL awesome!

I can't wait to see you all on Monday.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Te Aupouri Home Learning

 Hello everyone!

Have a look at this wonderful work done by Te Aupouri over online distance learning. She has been working really hard alongside her sister to get all the work done. Well done Te Aupouri!

The Coke and Mentos explosion video


Monday, August 24, 2020

Scientist Robert and his writing

 Here is a fantastic picture by Robert who wrote his sentence:

 'I think the water will turn colourful' and a drew a picture of his skittles. I think Robert has tried super hard and he should be very proud of himself! 

Did anyone else write a sentence like Robert? I'd love to see.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Aquarius' Week 1 work and creativity


Aqua was so busy last week with all her hard learning. When her mum sent me her pictures on Friday I was blown away with just how clever and how hardworking she had been. Good job Aquarius, I can see you love learning with your mummy and creating lots of imaginative and super things. 

Aquarius has been looking at different coins and counting them and she has been creating her own masks to keep safe!

Will you show us some more amazing learning this week? I can't wait to see what you do.

Here are some pictures from Aqua's last week in her home learning world.

Well Done Aquarius!

Monday Science challenge

 Our first challenge is to find our what happens when we add warm water to skittles... I hope they don't explode like our volcano did!

Below is a slide with all our questions and videos on. I wonder who can write a sentence about what is happening and use the words 'I think' ?

Week 2 challenge: we are scientists

 Last week our challenge was to be authors and design pages for our lock down book. This post can still be found on the blog from last week so check it out if you haven't yet, the designs so far look amazing!

This week your challenge is to be.... scientists! 

Miss Rayner is going to be posting a new video everyday of different experiments for you to watch or even to try at home. In our morning meet we will be looking at them and trying to write a sentence about what we think will happen. 

What scientific things can you think to do around the house? 

Have a great week everyone,

from Miss Rayner

Friday, August 21, 2020

Certificates of the week!

 Kia Ora everyone,

Here are our weekly certificates. Well done to everyone who has been joining in this week. I wonder who will get next week's certificates!

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

We are authors challenge - ideas so far

Kia Ora all.

I am so SO excited to see so many of you online and ready to go. Especially in todays meetings.

I wanted to share with you our very first submission for our classbook: What we did in lockdown. If you haven't seen our challenge then check out my previous blog post. 

This is by the lovely Annabelle's drawing about her day in lockdown. I can't wait to add it to our book!

A beautiful illustration and writing from you Annabelle.

I also wanted to share this lovely piece of work by Aquarius sent in by her mummy about who is in her bubble. Great idea Aqua! 

Aquarius is always showing us in her class her wonderful illustrations so it's lovely to see her creating even more at home. 

Robert has worked so hard on his writing for our book!

Kia Kaha akomanga, 
I will see you all soon!

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Lockdown challenge: We are authors!

 Kia ora friends,

Thanks for checking out the blog. Here is your extra challenge for this week!

I want to know... can the Room 16 children show me what wonderful authors they are? I'm asking you to draw a picture of something you have done over lockdown this week and send it to me by Friday

Underneath can you write a sentence that is similar to mine?

' My name is Miss Rayner. In lockdown I read a lot of books and I went on a big walk. It was fun!'

So let's check those again:

Job 1: Draw a picture of something that you have done this lockdown on a piece of paper/tablet/ card.

Job 2: Write a sentence like Miss Rayner's above.

Job 3: Give yourself a pat on the back for doing so well! Then ask your adult to send me your picture.

I will be making mine this week so I'll upload it on this post when it's done. All of the children who send in a picture are helping me to make our special room 16 lockdown book. I'll print off all your lovely stories and put them together to make a book for our classroom. Lockdown can be quite different but I know our lovely akomanga/class are in this together. 

I can't wait to see what you come up with!

See you all later, Miss Rayner

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Science and explosions

Yesterday in Room 16 we looked at the sound 'v' and decided it was the first sound in 'volcano'. We wrote our stories about volcanoes, and made a volcano in our phonics books on paper. Then we did our science experiment!
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"It will explode high" -Kinimotu

"I think it will explode and the classroom will be a volcano" - Mary

"It will explode everything" -Boston

Good predictions everyone! We talked about how a prediction was thinking about what might happen and making a sensible guess. 

Then we went onto the field and  added our Mentos into the bottles of Coke. We talked about how the ingredients in the Mentos reacted with the ingrediants in the Coke and fizzed together. 

I asked Room 16 after our first explosion with 1 Mento what they thought would happen with 3 Mentos. They came up with some very sensible predictions and we thought maybe it would be even bigger!

Have a look at the video below (skip to approximately 35 seconds to see our little explosion).