Children's version of timetable

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Lockdown challenge: We are authors!

 Kia ora friends,

Thanks for checking out the blog. Here is your extra challenge for this week!

I want to know... can the Room 16 children show me what wonderful authors they are? I'm asking you to draw a picture of something you have done over lockdown this week and send it to me by Friday

Underneath can you write a sentence that is similar to mine?

' My name is Miss Rayner. In lockdown I read a lot of books and I went on a big walk. It was fun!'

So let's check those again:

Job 1: Draw a picture of something that you have done this lockdown on a piece of paper/tablet/ card.

Job 2: Write a sentence like Miss Rayner's above.

Job 3: Give yourself a pat on the back for doing so well! Then ask your adult to send me your picture.

I will be making mine this week so I'll upload it on this post when it's done. All of the children who send in a picture are helping me to make our special room 16 lockdown book. I'll print off all your lovely stories and put them together to make a book for our classroom. Lockdown can be quite different but I know our lovely akomanga/class are in this together. 

I can't wait to see what you come up with!

See you all later, Miss Rayner

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