Children's version of timetable

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Science and explosions

Yesterday in Room 16 we looked at the sound 'v' and decided it was the first sound in 'volcano'. We wrote our stories about volcanoes, and made a volcano in our phonics books on paper. Then we did our science experiment!
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"It will explode high" -Kinimotu

"I think it will explode and the classroom will be a volcano" - Mary

"It will explode everything" -Boston

Good predictions everyone! We talked about how a prediction was thinking about what might happen and making a sensible guess. 

Then we went onto the field and  added our Mentos into the bottles of Coke. We talked about how the ingredients in the Mentos reacted with the ingrediants in the Coke and fizzed together. 

I asked Room 16 after our first explosion with 1 Mento what they thought would happen with 3 Mentos. They came up with some very sensible predictions and we thought maybe it would be even bigger!

Have a look at the video below (skip to approximately 35 seconds to see our little explosion).