Children's version of timetable

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

We are authors challenge - ideas so far

Kia Ora all.

I am so SO excited to see so many of you online and ready to go. Especially in todays meetings.

I wanted to share with you our very first submission for our classbook: What we did in lockdown. If you haven't seen our challenge then check out my previous blog post. 

This is by the lovely Annabelle's drawing about her day in lockdown. I can't wait to add it to our book!

A beautiful illustration and writing from you Annabelle.

I also wanted to share this lovely piece of work by Aquarius sent in by her mummy about who is in her bubble. Great idea Aqua! 

Aquarius is always showing us in her class her wonderful illustrations so it's lovely to see her creating even more at home. 

Robert has worked so hard on his writing for our book!

Kia Kaha akomanga, 
I will see you all soon!

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