Children's version of timetable

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Online Distance Learning Day 1

That's the first day of Online Distance Learning over! The junior team could not be more thrilled with some of the positive responses we have seen, and how hard parents and children are trying even at this tricky time.

I wanted to share with you the work that has been sent to me today which just looks super.
I've also heard that Waris has been making cards for her best friend and looking at the letter S, and Luke, Rara, Annabelle and Madden have all made a start on the Online Distance Learning Journey.
Below are some pictures from Mary, Heidi and Isaac showing their super learning. 

I can't wait until our class is back together again properly, but in the mean time I am so proud of all of you for being so brave and wonderful. 

Stay safe everyone, and keep smiling!

                                                                Love Miss Rayner


  1. You have done some amazing work Room 16 children. Very impressive!

  2. Love the quote with Pooh! Amazing artwork by Room 16 kids!

  3. Hi everyone I'm enjoying seeing the work you are doing. Well done keep sharing your fantastic learning.

  4. Thats wonderful work the students had been doing. Great work Room 15!

  5. Miss Rayner, you certainly do have a class full of wonderfully creative super learners. It is great seeing all the different ways you are learning at home with your whanau. Keep sending in this awesome display of work and photos. Kia pai te katoa!!
