Children's version of timetable

Friday, April 17, 2020

Checking in day 2

Hi all,
 Thanks for everyone who joined in the hangout this morning and I hope you continue to do so as we will soon be doing some group readings together. It's going to be lots of fun!

From Monday we are going to have more of a structure to our morning sessions, and we are kicking off next week with a bit of a theme...tune in on Monday for more details! Also keep an eye out for an email from myself and the junior team about the hangout and learning for next week.

Today I've done a picture drawing of our poem of the week; Incy Wincy spider. Sadly, it won't let me upload my video! If anyone else has done one too (I know Heidi did earlier in the week!) I'd love to see it by email or in the comments below.

Have a great weekend everyone 😊
Love Miss Rayner

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