Children's version of timetable

Friday, April 17, 2020

Online learning day 3

Look at the awesome learning that's been going on in Room 16!
I know many of you have been enjoying the different learning and spending time with family. That's awesome! 

Below are pictures from Rara and Isaac. I also heard that Te Aupouri is doing some wonderful learning at home. Good job :) 

Love Miss Rayner and Mrs Bond


  1. Great learning Room 16! Awesome pictures Miss Rayner!

  2. Super home learning Isaac and Rara! Keep up the great effort. I love seeing your photos :)

  3. Wow!! Awesome learning everyone. Room 16 is doing fantastic learning at home.

  4. Wow awesome photos Isaac and Rara, great job. Great to hear your doing great things to Te Aupouri.
