Children's version of timetable

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Online distance learning day 2

Online Distance learning day 2

Well done for completing your second day of distance learning everyone, and it was lovely to see those faces this morning on the google hangout. I can't wait to see some more! Soon we will be using the hangouts to practice some of our normal school routines so stay tuned for that.

Have a look at the awesome learning below from Madden and Waris! 

What fab work guys, I can't wait to see what else everyone gets up to. Remember to email me your pictures so I can share them on the blog, and see what you've been up to!

Have a great day :)
Love Miss Rayner


  1. That is some awesome work Room 16! Wonderful!

  2. Wow, excellent work Waris and Madden! So great to see the learning you have been doing at home. Keep up the great work! :)

  3. Amazing work there. Great learning everyone!

  4. Hi Waris and Madden it is great to see your work. I love it.

  5. Wow! I can see a lot of learning happening here. Keep it up!
